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College Graduates Job Search in New York City

Do you live in New York City? Are you experiencing complications with your job search? New York City is the most populated city in the United States. An estimated 8 million people live in New York City. Millions of tourists visit New York City on an annual basis. Tourism generates high revenue for many restaurants, taxi companies, city tours, clothing shops, hotels, Broadway shows, and essentially any business located in New York City’s exclusive touristy districts. New York City businesses must hire enough staff the meet the demand. What are the best jobs in New York City for college graduates?

The U.S. economy is struggling to recover from the 2008 Wall Street Market collapse in 2008. Whereas, the stock market recaptured its DOW and NASDAQ points prior to the housing market and stock market collapse, millions of American workers remain unemployed. According to Huffington Post contributing writer Kirkman (2011), the housing market collapse in 2008 cost Americans “11 trillion in wealth in 2008 alone” (par. 4). College students are graduating at a time in which job positions are scarce. Unemployment workers must endure the recession to make a living with far less income rather than compete against more qualified candidates to land their dream job.

How do college graduates find a job in New York City? Have you ever worked in a restaurant as a server? Restaurant servers serve customers to make a good amount of money on tips alone. Bartenders also earn good tips as well as a weekly or bi-monthly paycheck for hours worked. College graduates who worked as servers while in college may want to consider applying as a server once again. Hundreds of qualified candidates compete to land a few positions. Many students are forced to move back home after graduation. Don’t think that returning to restaurant work will be taking a step backwards. College graduates must continue to earn income to prepare for their job search. Restaurant jobs will maintain your communication skills to improve your job search.

Hotel desk jobs are another good opportunity to make income. College graduates can work as a night shift manager or as a hotel desk clerk to earn income. You may feel that accepting a job at a hotel is compromising your dream career. However, college graduates must remain efficient during a sagging economy, thus, making enough income to survive in the present time. Hotel jobs are in high demand since tourism remains paramount to New York City’s economic growth. Customer service skills will compliment your resume as well as to build teamwork and leadership skills.

Are you computer savvy? Employment agencies seek employees with computer skills to fill temp positions. Such temp positions can earn a college graduate decent income and good work experience to improve their job search. Don’t think for a second that an employment agency is an unappealing career decision. Temp workers can gain their employers’ attention through performing at a high level. Once your job assignment is completed, an employer may contact the employment agency to show interest in hiring you. Every job assignment you take while working for an employment agency is valuable experience to list on your resume.

College graduates are experiencing job search challenges in New York City. Rent prices in New York City are far too high for college graduates to afford. Rent control keeps long-term tenants in affordable housing units for decades. Nonetheless, college graduates in New York City can find a good temporary job with tips and or a job position with an employment agency to gain experience relevant to their college degree. There are thousands of college graduates living in New York City, many which have massive student loan debts. The longer college graduates delay their job search, the more interest will assess to their student loan principal balances.

College graduates seem to have too much pride, refusing to accept job positions in previous employment ventures while earning their college degrees. The trick to land a good job in New York City is to find a professional resume writer that can prepare your resume and cover letter. Therefore, your resume and cover letter will include your best work experience, college education and training accolades, skills, and the reason you seek to obtain the job position. College graduates need to standout above their competition. Good resume writing can deliver quality results to push you ahead of your competition.

New York City is a densely populated city with high rent prices and major competition among job hunters, especially new college graduates trying to land their first job position in their degree field. In essence, college graduates living in New York City can reach their dream job with accepting high demand job positions in touristy districts, applying for temp work at employment agencies, and with finding a professional resume writer to write a quality resume and cover letter to highlight their work experience, education and training accomplishments, skills, and to build value in their job search.


Kirkham, C. (2011). Stock Market Losses Threaten Economic Recovery as Household Wealth Takes another Hit. Huffington Post. Retrieved October 23, 2011, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/10/stock-market-us-economy_n_923646.html

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